Planning the next release

Today, we (Product Management, Developers and a few internal customers are sitting together, to create a roadmap for the next version of the xServers, Version 1.12.

During the last Mapware Conference, customers “complained”, that they were shown features which we announced and they had to wait half a year, until these were shipped. As a consequence, Product Management defined the release date to be before Christmas, a prerelease will be provided for the Mapware Conference, which be held Novemer 16th and 17th 2010 in Karlsruhe. Additionally, we have decided to provide prereleases regularly throughout the year. We are very enthusiastic to see, how much and what kind of feedback we will receive here.

One of the major topics, product management is not willing to surrender, documentation stays on top! Having said that, the new Code Sample Browser will be completed and new code samples will be integrated continuously. As version 1.10 is a “developers release”, we are striving to make work for our customers and partners even more easy: profile handling and integration into other applications are one of the headlines for the new release.

Additionally, we are planning a couple of features, which are basically related to transportation optimsation:

Integration of enhanced emmission caluculation

  • enhanced ferry routing
  • enhanced handling of break and restrules
  • a new waylist
  • superfast routing

Naturally, there are (as always) more feature requests than we will be able to handle. So stay tuned to find out about the final road map, which we’ll publish here soon.

By Martina Beck

Martina Beck has been working for PTV since 2000. As certified computer scientist she was originally responsible for providing customers with technical support and she later moved on to the Product Management division. Since 2011 she has been working for PTV as an online marketing manager in international marketing with an emphasis on social media (et al. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube). The PTV Developer Blog is the PTV Developer Components' lead channel. The posts on important topics and trends originate from close cooperation with developers, the product management and other experts.