xRadio – the webbased PTV channel for developers

xRadio is PTVs offer to the developer community all around the PTV xServers. We invite you to participate in our various webbased sessions held by our consultants and backend developers.

Benefit of

  • live demonstration of new features
  • technical presentation of how to work with features
  • latest news about PTV xServer features
  • address questions via live chat to the moderator team

It’s easy to register. All you have to do is click the image below and fill in the form to be automatically notified of our events.

Sign-up here!


As subscriber you will be informed about upcoming xRadio sessions, topics and the session ID.  The next xRadio session will be held on Tuesday, April 12th. Sign up to receive the session ID’s!

For further information please visit the xRadio chapter on PTV DevelopersZone.

Categorized as Webinars

By Martina Beck

Martina Beck has been working for PTV since 2000. As certified computer scientist she was originally responsible for providing customers with technical support and she later moved on to the Product Management division. Since 2011 she has been working for PTV as an online marketing manager in international marketing with an emphasis on social media (et al. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube). The PTV Developer Blog is the PTV Developer Components' lead channel. The posts on important topics and trends originate from close cooperation with developers, the product management and other experts.