Release PTV xServer 1.14 – BETA Version

Dear customers,

PTV provides the beta releases for the PTV xServer Version 1.14. We kindly ask you to test the new functionalities or PTV xServer in common. Who finds the first bug – the winner is… :-)?

Following new features are available:

  • PTV xLocate Server (beta 1.14)
    1. The geocoder returns candidates of combined transport.
    2. Reverse geocoding returns combined transports at a specified coordinate.
  • PTV xMap Server (beta 1.14)
    1. The visibility from town names and symbols will be switched together.
    2. Visualisation of combined transport data.
  • PTV xRoute Server (beta 1.14)
    1. The router calculates the emmissions according to the CEN Norm.
    2. Supports toll scenarios.
    3. Supports combined transports.
    4. New toll sub-type for Eco-Tax in France.
    5. calculateMatrixInfo() supports truck attributes, dynamic routing and exception paths.
    6. New service method calculateBulkRouteInfo() for calculating a large number of routes with identical parameters at once.

As always, the PTV xServer and Client Bundles can be downloaded from PTV Developer Zone (new section “Beta Version”).

By Dr. Michael Nutto

Solution Director for PTV xServer. Responsible for the strategy of PTV xServer. I'd like to discuss market trends and requirements with our partners and end customers. Therefore, feel free to contact me about my published blogs.