Toll updates break new ground for PTV xServer and Mapserver

From the PTV xServer 1.17 on it is possible to poll and download the newest toll updates automatically. All you need is the new plugin PTV Content Update Service delivered with the PTV xRoute Server 1.17. Then the data will be downloaded from a PTV Layer Delivery Server providing the latest toll updates. At the moment there are the September toll updates for Europe (2013.1aN / 2013.1aT / 2013.2N / 2013.2T) available, but all future toll updates will also be provided here.


A detailed documentation how to configure and use the PTV Content Update Service is available in the section “Documents – PTV xServer additional content” of the PTV Developer Zone customer area. Moreover there you can find the latest toll updates for a manual download as before, if you still prefer this way.

The plugin PTV Content Updates Service is not only useful to download toll updates. In the future we plan to deliver dynamic feature layers with it, our new technology to consider additional data content in the context of route planning. As a first use case think of real-time traffic information like traffic jams or road closures which change dynamically and have to be updated continuously.

What about the PTV Mapserver? Is there also an automatic download of toll updates possible? This is a clear yes! We provide in the customer area of the PTV Developer Zone the all-new developed PTV Toll Update Tool. The wizard is self-explaining and offers both the automatic download and the usage of local toll update data.

TollUpdateWizardIf you need further information or support please contact the Support Team. Any feedback from your side is welcome.