PTV xTerritory 1.20.1 Blog Series

xTerritory-Server-Icon_Puzzleteil-grau_64pThe PTV xTerritory Server allows you to plan and change territories and territory centers based on locations such as, for example, customer addresses, or based on smaller administrative area units such as postcode areas. Common use cases are in the management of sales representatives, the planning of warehouse locations and their delivery areas and in delivery planning.

Moreover the PTV xTerritory Server is one of the newbies in our PTV xServer family and was presented in the PTV Server 1.20 Release but nevertheless the 1.20.1 Release already includes three new features of the PTV xTerritory Server which you will discover in the following Blog Series.

#1 Tour Estimator

On our first post we will present you the tour estimator that provides a quick way to estimate the route travel times within a territory without using PTV xTour Server.

#2 Activity limits for territory planning

There we will explain how it is possible to set activity limits for territories to limit the total numer of activities within a single territory.

#3 Consider incompatibilities of locations and territories

Last but not least you will get to know how incompatibilites of locations and territories can be considered in the PTV xTerritory.


If you want to see how these features are included in the PTV xTerritory Server you can join the Webinar on 15th of September additionally to this blog series. There we will present all new features of the PTV xServer 1.20.1 Release including these three.