PTV xTerritory 1.20.1 Blog Series #3 – Consider incompatibilities of locations and territories

xTerritory-Server-Icon_Puzzleteil-grau_64pIncompatibilities ensure that certain locations are kept separate to certain territories during the location assignment. A typical use case are sales representative that should not serve certain customers or field worker with specific qualifications. So an incompatibility is a property that disqualifies a location for certain territories.

Needs and Benefits

To distribute locations with incompatibilities a PTV xTerritory Server has to be installed and if applicable, a High-performance routing network for calculating routes. With these prerequisites you have the possibility that during the distribution of locations to territories, incompatibilities between locations and territories can be taken into account.This enables you to depict real customer relationships during the planning process. The incompatibilities have to be set as properties in the locations.

WebinarsThere is also an use case documentation for this new feature available. This was the last post of our PTV xTerritory Blog Series and if you want to know more about the PTV xTerritory features and also about the other new features of the PTV xServer 1.20.1 release I recommend you to join our webinar that will be presented on Tuesday. During the webinar you have the opportunity to ask your questions that you might have after the blog series or you maybe will get in the webinar.

Further information about all PTV xServer you can find on our product site.