What is the meaning of the different toll types?

Some customers often want to know what the difference between the toll types is. So we decided to inform you about the different variations of toll.PTV_DevComp_TollData

The computation of toll is not standardized but depends on the countries you are travelling through. Some countries even have different approaches how to compute the toll. Mainly there are three basic categories of toll

  • National toll: Major type for the country-wide national toll system. This parameter represents the common aggregation of all kind of national toll types.
    • Named toll
    • Section based
    • Distance based
  • Special charge: Major type for special charge toll (also known as “extra toll”).This parameter represents the common aggregation of all kind of special charge toll types
    • Bridges
    • Tunnels
    • Ferries
    • International ferries
    • Mountainpasses
  • City toll: Major toll type for city (area) toll.

Additionally to this post you can find the description of the different toll types here.