Important Information on the Belgian toll

The Belgian government introduced a completeToll Scenario new toll system. Usually, toll sections for dedicated way points are defined by the authorities. Each toll section does have a defined length. In case of exact toll cost calculation, those sections do have dedicated tariffs attributed. In case of average toll, the length of all routed toll sections would be multiplied with the costs per kilometre.

But for both types of toll calculations, it was not relevant on which map or map version this calculation was performed. The toll sections were fixed and as said therefore the length defined.

The new Belgian toll deviates from the known methods.
For the Belgian toll FAQscalculation the toll sections are divided into toll segments and theseĀ are added up and multiplied with the toll costs per kilometre. With this, the Belgian toll system reflects an average calculation. But this means also that the calculation depends on the map basis and how the street segments are digitized. So new segments or even missing roundabouts will lead to different results. Also the different way of digitizing the street segments at the map providers will
influence the results

The calculation of the Belgian toll has been implemented with the last toll update in February.

Quick Facts:

  • The new distance based toll is introduced on 1 April 2016.
  • And will supersede the currently applicable time-based Eurovignette
  • Vignette will be replaced by satellite-based OBU
  • The tariffs depend on 4 factors:
    • Actual distance travelled in kilometres
    • Vehicle weight (over 3.5 tons and higher)
    • Emission class
    • Road type

By Isabel Honikel

Senior Technical Product Manager