As mentioned in two earlier blog posts there will be adjustments in the profiles of PTV xServer to gain more realistic travel times when calculation routes. See the blog posts below for more information:
In the following you can find more detailed information about the changes and usage of individual profiles when it comes to the new maps with adapted initial speed values.
Where can I find information about the dependencies from map and profiles?
You can check the online documentation of the respective PTV xServer Version.There you can find a table which shows our currently supported maps and their related profile version.
API Version 1 – Profiles and Map Versions
API Version 2 – Profiles and Map Versions
I want to use one of the new maps, where can I obtain the new profiles?
Within the shipment of the map data you will receive a download link for zip-file containing the necessary profiles and a installation guide for the PTV xServer API Version you are using.
Check the READ_ME.txt within your directory for detailed information about the different folders.
Which profiles are affected?
All XML-based PTV xServer profiles need to adapted/replaced. This also includes the rendering xml-profiles and Feature Layer profiles.
In general we recommend to fully replace the conf/profiles folder of your PTV xServer by the ones you receive via the download link (see pictures above).
Don’t forget to make a local backup of your actual and customized profiles if you want to switch back again.
Which parameters of the profiles are affected?
<dataCompatibilityVersion> (API Version 1 & 2)
This new parameter was introduced in both PTV xServer API versions to check if the map- and profile versions are compatible. It is placed in the root node of all xml-based profiles. If the version differ, your PTV xServer won’t start up and leave a message in the log files. Check the links about profile and map dependencies above to get information about the data version of your map.
Affected parameters of API Version 1 & 2
The values of the following paramaters were changed to fit to the new inital speed values of the basemap with dataCompatibilityVersion 2. You can click on the parameter names in the table below to directly jump into the API documentation.
Note, that even though there are a lot of routing profiles, there are four “classes” of routing relevant parameters (see table above). These relevant parameter “classes” are used in the profiles truckfast, truckslow, carfast and carslow for API Version 1 and truck and car for API Version 2. Every other profile inherits those values of one of the four mentioned.
A detailed overview of the parameters and their values for PTV xServer API Version 1 & 2 as well as the differences between the DataCompatibilityVersion 1 & 2 can found in the PDF NewSpeedValues.
Check the Online-Manuals for detailed information about profile handling basics within PTV xServer.
API Version 1 – Profiles & Inheritance
API Version 2 – Profiles & Inheritance
I created an own individual profile, what do I have to do?
If you changed the values of one of the parameters above, we highly recommend to use the new values provided in the profiles with DataCompatibilityVersion 2 when using a map with the same version. Check the PDF mentioned above. You also have to set the new parameter <dataCompatibilityVersion = “2”/> in the root node of your individual profile, when you want to use it with one of the maps with adapted speed values.
If you only adjusted physical attributes in your individual profile and inherit the values above from a profile provided by PTV, you only have to set the parameter <dataCompatibilityVersion = “2”/> within the root knot of the profile.
What about the folders “VehicleProfiles_Australia” and “VehicleProfiles_NorthAmerica”?
In this folders you can find more routing profiles which are based on national regulations of the regarding regions. Furthermore the routing relevant parameters are adjusted to the national conditions. Check the “READ_ME.txt” fore more details.
I have some more questions, who can I contact?
If you got more questions related to the speed adaptations, feel free to contact the PTV xServer Support Team (