We like to inform you about a change in our PTV World- and Europe City Map 2021.2H and 2021.2T.
We do no longer deliver the General Truck Restriction data. Therefore, we do no longer include the PTV General Truck Restrictions feature layer in the map delivery.
The General Truck Restrictions did include country wide weekend and holiday truck bans for the following countries:
- Austria
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Italy
- France
- Liechtenstein
- Poland
- Luxembourg
The PTV General Truck Restriction data should not be mixed up with the PTV Truck Attributes. The PTV Truck Attributes contain physical or time-dependent restrictions for individual roads, this data will remain in our scope of delivery.
We discontinue the delivery of this FL General Tuck Restriction, because it was only used by very few customers. The reason for that is that the routing did not use the data in the desired way. Trucks did wait on borders when Sunday driving restrictions applied instead of driving possible and logical detours.
On Premise customers who update to this PTV World- and Europe City Map 2021.2H and 2021.2T need to exclude the PTV General Truck Restrictions form their routing and rendering request. Otherwise, the requests will fail, because of missing Feature Layer data.
For PTV xServer internet we have a transition phase.
In a first step we do deliver an empty FL General Truck Restrictions (FL GTR) in the update to PTV World- and Europe City Map 2021.2H and 2021.2T. Updates are planned starting from End of March 2021 like communicated via mail and PTV Developer Blog.
That has the following effect on routing and rendering:
- Customers who do routing in Europe with activated FL GTR will see a change in the results, because there is no data in the empty layer.
- The weekend and holiday truck bans do not occur anymore.
- Customers who do display FL GTR will not see the general truck restriction data because the layer is empty.
- Only the base map and other requested FL data will be displayed.
In a second step we exclude the PTV General Truck Restrictions from the update to PTV World- and Europe City Map 2022.1H and 2022.1T. Planned from September/October 2021 on. For update dates on PTV xServer internet please subscribe for our PTV Developer Blog.
That has the following effect:
- Customers who do routing or rendering with activated PTV General Truck Restrictions will get failed requests, because the Feature Layer is not present in the map.
How to fix this:
- Customers need to exclude PTV General Truck Restrictions form their routing and rendering requests.
- This can be done any time before the update to PTV World- and Europe City Map 2022.1H planned for September/October 2021.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this change in data delivery may cause you. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.