PTV Mapserver is released! Visit the customer area and find the following data for download:
PTV Mapserver SDK and InstKit
Some of the improvements and bugfixes at a glance:
- Routing improvement: A new routing mode is introduced; Implementation of FR CO2 Decree 2013;Separated reporting of Ecotaxe and other named toll; Ecotaxe roads can be avoided.
- Routing bug fix: Long trailers do no longer use ramps or national roads, for which the corresponding flag is not set.
- Geocoding bug fix: The coding of provinces, i.e. US-, Canadian and Australian states has changed. In previous Mapserver versions, the province code was added .
- Kernel improvement: The maximal zoom level can be set to a higher value.
- Kernel bug fix: Property dialog for the ‘Other’-Layer showed the hospitals twice in the list of available polygon types. This bug is fixed.
For further information and details please check the release notes.
Please note: on Thursday, March 21, 2013, we offer a webinar presenting PTV Mapserver 5.8 Read more and register ….