Author: Martina Beck
Martina Beck has been working for PTV since 2000.
As certified computer scientist she was originally
responsible for providing customers with technical
support and she later moved on to the Product
Management division.
Since 2011 she has been working for PTV as an
online marketing manager in international marketing
with an emphasis on social media (et al. Facebook, Twitter,
Google+, YouTube).
The PTV Developer Blog is the PTV Developer
Components' lead channel. The posts on important
topics and trends originate from close cooperation with
developers, the product management and other experts.
One small step in version number, one giant leap for PTV customers
Our annual minor release of the PTV xServer 1.14.1 is just around the corner. We expect it to be available in August 2012. Although it is only a minor release, there is a bunch of great new features included. And again we managed it to be downward compatible.…
Dear PTV Mapserver customers,
Toll scenario update for federal roads
PTV xServer and PTV Mapserver toll scenario updates are available for download.
Changes in scenarios
- Germany: new toll table for secondary highways,
valid from 01.08.2012
- Germany: new toll table for secondary highways,
Toll Charge For Federal Roads –
Update Coming SoonA new update including the latest toll changes for federal roads (roads for inter-regional traffic) which will take effect on 1st August will be published in the next few days.
This update is based on the list v1.0 of BASt (BASt website), a technical and scientific institute of the federal ministry for transport, building and housing (BMVBW website ).…
xCluster goes 1.14
Upcoming online presentations