• Toll data update and scenario

    For xServer and Mapserver the latest toll data updates and scenarios are currently available within the customer area on Developer Zone:

    • Germany: new toll table 12.3 (BAB) and new toll table 1.2 (Bundesstraßen)
    • Denmark: new tariff valid from 01.01.2013 (Øresund, Storebælt), prognostic scenario for truck toll 12t valid from 2015 incl.

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  • PTV Mapserver 5.8 presentation

    In yesterday’s webinar you learnt about the new features of PTV Mapserver 5.8. Besides that the webinar focussed also on routing and violations caused by isolated areas.

    The presentation of this session can be now downloaded at our webinar area.

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  • New PTV Mapserver Update available

    PTV Mapserver

    is now available for download.


    • Kernel bugfix: When a MapControl is created and no map directory (*.geo) is configured by default, all available layers were created however. Because no plausible pathes exist for their corresponding geografical data, all local drives were searched for, especially routing and geocoding data.

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  • Webinar: PTV Mapserver 5.8

    Tomorrow (March 21st, 2013) Hansjörg Back and Holger Herrmann will hold an online presentation on

    PTV Mapserver 5.8.
    Wednesday, March 21, 2013

    16.00 – 17.00 CEST

    The following topics will be subject of the webinar:

    • New features and fixes in PTV Mapserver SDK 5.8
    • Focus on: routing and violations caused by isolated areas

    Take the opportunity – the moderator team is ready to answer your questions in a live chat in parallel to the presenation  – free of charge and without obligation

    Further information and registration ….

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  • It is done!

    PTV Mapserver is released! Visit the customer area and find the following data for download:

    PTV Mapserver SDK and InstKit

    Some of the improvements and bugfixes at a glance:

    • Routing improvement: A new routing mode is introduced; Implementation of FR CO2 Decree 2013;Separated reporting of Ecotaxe and   other named toll; Ecotaxe roads can be avoided.

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  • PTV Mapserver SDK 5.8 almost completed!

    I just received the information from a trustworthy source :), that PTV Mapserver SDK 5.8 will be available on Monday next week.

    Several geocoding and routing improvements were implemented. As soon as the download is available we will inform you!…

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