Category: PTV Mapserver
PTV MapServer Update
PTV MapServer SDK (includes TourOptimizer, FleetViewer, CADViewer etc.) and InstKit now available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.
You can find the changelog information within the PTV DevelopersZone Forum: > PTV MapServer Forum > Miscellaneous…
PTV MapServer update
PTV MapServer (SDK and InstKit) are available for download on PTV DevelopersZone…
The Developer Survey goes Italian …
Now the PTV Developer Online Survey is available in Italian language. Click the following image to get to the survey:
PTV MapServer Update available
An updated version ( of PTV MapServer is available for download on PTV DevelopersZone
- The interface ITollDispatch could not be used in some cases. This is fixed now.
PTV Developer Online Survey – now in French and Dutch language!
Have you already attended our PTV Developer Online Survey?…
Your experience is needed ….
We would like to improve our range of information and usability of our Developer web presence. To better address your interests, needs and preferences we designed a short online survey. Around 5-10 minutes are needed for answering.
There is no personal data required except some statistical information.…