• Toll update (2019_16) Germany

    Bugfix for Germany August 2019. This scenario contains the toll factors valid from August 2019. New tariffs for Herrentunnel. This scenario replaces the previous ‘Germany August 2019’ scenario.

    PTV xServer internet will be updated on Wednesday, November 6th 2019.

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  • PTV xServer internet update – TLN Europe City Map cluster – test


    We did perform maintenance on the TLN test and integration cluster with PTV Europe City Map [Here].


    The following tasks were completed in the scope of this maintenance.

    TLN Europe City Map [Here] – test/integration – cluster with API version 1:

    • Map update form PTV Europe City Map version 2019.2H to version 2020.1H.

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  • Toll update (2019_15) Turkey


    New tariffs 2019 and new toll road(s): Gebze – Orhangazi – İzmir, Kuzey Marmara Avrupa Motorway, Kuzey Marmara Anadolu Motorway. This scenario replaces the previous ‘Turkey January 2019’ scenario.

    PTV xServer internet will be updated on Wednesday, November 6th 2019.

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  • Toll update (2019_14) Serbia


    This scenario contains the current toll charges in Serbia on the basis of the last available tariffs, valid from July 2019.

    PTV xServer internet will be updated on Monday, October 14th 2019.

    Concerned maps

    • PTV Europe City Map Premium 2020.1H – toll update version 2020_1H_6

    Please note: This and all following toll updates will be only available via automatic update with the PTV Content Update Service.…

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  • Toll update (2019_08) Germany


    This scenario contains the toll factors valid from August 2019. New tariffs for Herrentunnel. This scenario replaces the previous ‘Germany January 2019 v2’ scenario.

    PTV xServer internet will be updated on Wednesday, October 9th 2019.

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  • PTV xServer 2.14 is now available!

    The new PTV xServer API Version 2.14 is release. For the full list of Features and Improvements you can check the corresponding release notes here.

    Single Field Search with tolerance for spelling errors in the input.

    Here are some feature highlights of API Version 2.14:

    • Framework
      • Added the possibility to configure version intervals as hosted versions in the xServer configuration file.

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