• PTV xTour Server available

    New Version of PTV xTour Server available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.

    • New Features
      – new method that performs a sequencing calculation: planSequence()
      – requests are abortable
    • Fixed
      – internal time calculation
      – improvement step


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  • PTV xLocate Server available

    PTV xLocate Server  is available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.


    • Fuzzy address search is active by default.
    • POI search indices are not completely loaded into memory anymore. This enables the PTV xLocate Server to handle bigger POI databases.

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  • Distance matrices

    What is a distance matrix?

    A distance matrix contains all distances and travel times between each pair of a given set of specific geographical points.

    Taking into account that the world isn’t perfect, the distances and travel times are considered to be asymmetric.…

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  • PTV SmarTour – using PTV xServer in a .Net application

    We would like to invite you to our next xRadio Session that will take place on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.


    • What is PTV SmarTour?
    • Architecture spot light
    • PTV xLocate and PTV xMap in a workflow
    • TourOpt in PTV SmarTour trip optimization
    • Routing in trip optimization

    Register here to attend

    Benefit of

    • free event for registered participant
    • live demonstration of new features
    • technical presentation of how to work with features
    • latest news about PTV xServer features
    • address questions via live chat to the moderator team

    For further information visit the xRadio chapter on PTV DevelopersZone.…

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  • Presentation of last xRadio Session (USP – Green Logistics)

    Presentation of last xRadio Session ist now available for download. Topic:

    • Why emissions?
    • What is HBEFA 3.1?
    • Integration and Configuration.
    • Technical Details via API.
    • Use cases.

    Not registered yet? Find further information and register under PTV xRadio to receive invitations for the xRadio Sessions and get access to the documents.

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  • PTV xTour Server available

    PTV xTour Server  is available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.


    • Extended TourPosition by SECONDSECTION and NEXTTOLASTSECTION.

    Please also download the new PTV xTour Client Bundle!…

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