Category: PTV xServer
PTV xLocate Server available
PTV xLocate Server is available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.
- Fuzzy address search is active by default.
- POI search indices are not completely loaded into memory anymore. This enables the PTV xLocate Server to handle bigger POI databases.
Distance matrices
What is a distance matrix?
A distance matrix contains all distances and travel times between each pair of a given set of specific geographical points.
Taking into account that the world isn’t perfect, the distances and travel times are considered to be asymmetric.…
PTV SmarTour – using PTV xServer in a .Net application
We would like to invite you to our next xRadio Session that will take place on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.
- What is PTV SmarTour?
- Architecture spot light
- PTV xLocate and PTV xMap in a workflow
- TourOpt in PTV SmarTour trip optimization
- Routing in trip optimization
Register here to attend
Benefit of
- free event for registered participant
- live demonstration of new features
- technical presentation of how to work with features
- latest news about PTV xServer features
- address questions via live chat to the moderator team
For further information visit the xRadio chapter on PTV DevelopersZone.…
Presentation of last xRadio Session (USP – Green Logistics)
Presentation of last xRadio Session ist now available for download. Topic:
- Why emissions?
- What is HBEFA 3.1?
- Integration and Configuration.
- Technical Details via API.
- Use cases.
Not registered yet? Find further information and register under PTV xRadio to receive invitations for the xRadio Sessions and get access to the documents.…
PTV xTour Server available
PTV xTour Server is available for download on PTV DevelopersZone.
Please also download the new PTV xTour Client Bundle!…
Singlefield search
Dear all,
Just a short “reminder” regarding our current PTV xServer-release. One small nice feature is our improved geocoding by Singlefield Search. This new feature within the PTV xLocate enables you to improve the usablity of your searchfunctions in your applications.…