Category: PTV xServer
Emissions calculation
Hi all,
As you may be aware of, the “green thing” is quite hot and in everybody’s mind. We believe, Green Logistics is not just a flash in the pan – it has become a permanent issue! Not only because EU regulations have introduced emission limits, but also because an increasing number of companies has assumed more responsibility.…
PTV xRoute Server
The new PTV xRoute Server Version is now available for download.
- Parameter AVOID_FERRIES now also affects piggyback transport.
- Parameter routingParameter.avoidFerries in profile will now be considered correctly.
- Fixed Internal server error for special long dynamic routes.
Toll Updates for PTV xServer and PTV MapServer
New toll updates are available on PTV DevelopersZone for PTV xServer and PTV MapServer.
Countries with changes in toll information:
- Germany
- Austria
- Czech Republic
- Danmark
- France
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Portugal
PTV AJAX Maps 2.7.5
The new AJAX Maps Version 2.7.5 is now available for download.
Improvement: The zoom rectangle is no longer shifted to the right when the containing web page is scrolled horizontally.
Further information regarding the new version can be found within the readme-file when visiting Develop & Update PTV AJAX Map Servlet…
Toll calculation for Europe
Hi developers,
More and more countries are launching their own new toll charging systems For example, also Romania is going to implement a toll system in 2011. Toll calculation is quite challenging since there is a big variety of different road user charging systems in different countries or even different charging systems within one single country.…