Category: PTV xServer
Our experts wait in the wings again …
You want to learn about PTV xServer 1.16? About new features? Isolated areas, JSON, high performance routing and much more?
Take the chance and learn personally and free of charge – from your own desk! In our entry level online seminar, our experts will demonstrate PTV xServer’s new features.…
Do you want to migrate to PTV xTour 1.16?
Webinar : Découvrir les composants PTV xServer
Les composants PTV xServer concentrent le savoir-faire et l’expérience de PTV Group dans le domaine des cartes numériques, du géocodage, du calcul d’itinéraires, de l’optimisation de tournées, du suivi de flotte…Conçus selon une architecture modulaire, ces composants s’intègrent très facilement dans votre application.… -
Howto create your own webservice clients for PTV xServers
Some time ago the PTV xServer development team was asked whether it was possible to create a web service client without our provided java clients and the bundled cxf framework.
The simple answer is: Yes! Those who would like to take the adventure and try it themselves should read on…What you need for this
The prerequisites for this little sample are the following:
- A JDK 6, or newer,
- A Maven2 or Maven3 installation,
- PTV xRoute Server (the sample runs with xRoute 1.16 but it should work with older versions too)
Create a Maven project
First of all we create a new directory and set up a Maven project file named
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You need to be strong
for what lies ahead- We released the PTV xServer 1.16 version this week.
- We updated the API
- We updated the Technical Documentation.
… and on top of it all we updated the following
PTV xServer add-ons this morning
Displaying digital maps, Various map interactions (zooming, panning, scrolling etc.),
Updated API and Technical Documentation are waiting for you