PTV xServer Blog
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Basic Toll Update Spain 2021
Spain This scenario contains the most recent tariffs that are valid from 2021. This scenario replaces the previous ‘Spain October 2020’ scenario. Concerned maps PTV Europe…
Detailed Toll Update for North America package 3
We activated the updated detailed toll layers for Delaware and Illinois, referenced to PTV North America / World City Map Premium…
PTV xServer internet update – PTV World City Map [TomTom] with API Version 1
We did perform technical maintenance today that did not require any downtime.The following tasks were completed in the scope of this maintenance. PTV World City Map [TomTom] – TEST and…
PTV xServer internet update – PTV World City Map Cluster with API Version 2
We would like to inform you that we plan to perform maintenance on the PTV xServer 2 cluster with PTV World City Map [Here]. The following tasks will be completed…
PTV xServer 2.23 available for download
The new PTV xServer API Version 2.23 is available for download. For the full list of features and improvements you can check the corresponding release notes here. The production system…
Bugfix of Basic Toll Updates Liechtenstein and Switzerland 2021
Liechtenstein and Switzerland This scenario contains a bugfix of toll factors that are valid from July 2021. It replaces the previous ‘Liechtenstein July 2021’ and ‘Switzerland July 2021’ scenario. …
Detailed Toll Update for North America package 2
We activated the updated detailed toll layers for California, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Texas, referenced to PTV North…
Detailed Toll Updates for Belgium, Liechtenstein and Switzerland
We activated the updated detailed toll layers for Belgium, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, referenced to PTV Europe / World City Map Premium…
Basic Toll Update Belgium 2021
Belgium This scenario includes the toll charges for trucks from a maximum authorised mass over 3.5 t in the three Belgian regions: Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels. New toll rates valid…