• Toll Charge For Federal Roads –
    Update Coming Soon

    A new update including the latest toll changes for federal roads (roads for inter-regional traffic) which will take effect on 1st August will be published in the next few days.

    This update is based on the list v1.0 of BASt (BASt website), a technical and scientific institute of the federal ministry for transport, building and housing (BMVBW website ).…

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  • PTV Mapserver SDK 5.7
    Now available

    A new version of PTV Mapserver is available for download.

    With version several improvements and bugfixes were implemented. For further information please check the release notes or read our post of July 5th.

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  • PTV Mapserver:
    Using PTV Europe City Map Premium 2012.1T ?

    For  PTV Mapserver customers using the above mentioned map, a toll scenario update is available. Customers using PTV Mapserver 5.6 and higher can download the corrected version download the corrected version here



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  • Presentation of
    PTV Mapserver webinar

    Thanks to Holger Hermann and Hansjörg Back for the moderation of yesterday’s online presentation.

    The Presentation is now available for download . If you want to access documents and samples of past sessions, you need to have a login. Further information concerning the login is available in our blog post of June 28 or within the PTV Webinars Area.…

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  • PTV Components toll data update

    PTV xServer and PTV Mapserver toll data and scenario updates are available for download.

    Changes in toll data

    • France: additional toll stations and toll sections, valid since 01.03.2012
    • Great Britain: new tariff for Humber Bridge, M6, Dunham Bridge, Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, Whitchurch Bridge, valid since 01.06.2012
    • Liechtenstein: 10% general toll increase and 10% discount for vehicles of emission class V, valid since 01.07.2012
    • Poland: new tariff for diverse motorways (reductions on A2, new sections on A1), valid since 01.07.2012
    • Portugal: new tariff, valid since 01.01.2012
    • Spain: new tariff, valid since 01.01.2012
    • Switzerland: 10% general toll increase and 10% discount for vehicles of emission class V, valid since 01.07.2012

    Changes in scenarios

    • France: additional toll stations and toll sections (valid since 01.03.2012),  new prediction of eco tax toll factors (valid from 20.04.2013),  new prediction of eco tax toll factors (valid from 20.07.2013)
    • Great Britain: new tariff for Humber Bridge, M6, Dunham Bridge, Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, Whitchurch Bridge, valid since 01.06.2012
    • Hungary: new distance based toll, valid since 01.07.2013
    • Liechtenstein: 10% general toll increase and 10% discount for vehicles of emission class V, valid since 01.07.2012
    • Poland: new tariff for diverse motorways (reductions on A2, new sections on A1), valid since 01.07.2012
    • Portugal: new tariff, valid since 01.01.2012
    • Spain: new tariff valid since 01.01.2012
    • Switzerland: 10% general toll increase and 10% discount for vehicles of emission class V, valid since 01.07.2012

    Within the download area we offer toll data updates for PTV xServer version 1.10 (or earlier) and scenarios for version 1.12 (or later).…

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  • Using the Bing Maps Aerial layer in PTV’s developer components

    First of all: thanks to Frank Gailfuss (Logistics Components Desktop Development) for this superb blog post!

    What is Bing Maps and what is the Bing Maps Aerial layer?

    Bing Maps is a web mapping service provided as a part of the Microsoft’s Bing suite.…

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