• PTV India City Map 2016 map-setup released

    As of now the map/map-setup PTV India City Map 2016 (HERE 2016.Q2) is released for the following products:

    • PTV xServer
    • PTV Mapserver
    • PTV Smartour 2016.2


    • New state ind-tg (state Telangana)
    • Truck Attributes FL are available for 27 states
    • Dynamic Traffic Information (TMC Tables) is available for ind-dd (state Daman and Diu)
    • Traffic Patterns FL is available for ind-dd (state Daman and Diu)

    Available content

    • POIs (xServer)
    • POIs (Mapserver)
    • Time Zones Feature Layer
    • Traffic Patterns Feature Layer
    • Truck Attributes Feature Layer

    TheĀ Feature Layer content is included in the map-setup by default.…

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