News: PTV xServer test licenses

We decided to open the test license with immediate effect as follows:

All PTV xServer functionalities could be tested. Until now only geographical services were available. The PTV xServer will be delivered with a Luxembourg map to make sure that the extended serviceportfolio within the test license could be adequated tested. All further terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Categorized as PTV xServer

By Martina Beck

Martina Beck has been working for PTV since 2000. As certified computer scientist she was originally responsible for providing customers with technical support and she later moved on to the Product Management division. Since 2011 she has been working for PTV as an online marketing manager in international marketing with an emphasis on social media (et al. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube). The PTV Developer Blog is the PTV Developer Components' lead channel. The posts on important topics and trends originate from close cooperation with developers, the product management and other experts.

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