Making Money with PTV xServer 1.18.1

Dear all,

PTV has recently released the PTV xServer’s version 1.18.1. Please have a look on the following features. We appreciate any feedback from your side.

PTV xServer Manual:
This manual was designed to create a central place for all existing information concerning the PTV xServer through a newly defined structure: Stakeholders, administrators and developers. The relevant aspects: Product portfolio, use cases, management, monitoring, API, code samples etc. are subdivided in the corresponding sections. A search option is also included to find the desired documents by adding the key words.
 FeatureLayer Feature Layer Technologie:
A new technology was designed to accumulate various themes with distinguished meanings such as Preferred Routes, Speed Patterns, Restricted Areas and Time Zones. The combination of different layers within one technolgy has the following great benefits: Harmonize the handling with a basic mechanism, manage the display of each theme via simple selection and prioritize the impact on the routings. Define individual styles for the themes to obtain an optimum output.
PTV xMapmatch Server:
A new method “matchPositions” is implemented which includes a new class “ResultListOption” to select specific routing relevant information such as speedClass, polyline and vendorID. This method lists the result as matched locations or segments returning the content of the given class “MatchResult”. PTV recommends to use this new defined method instead of the methods: matchTrack() or matchTrackExtended(). But, these deprecated methods still exist due to downward compatibility. To be mentioned: The Unified Profile Mechanism is realized (see below).
 upm Unified Profile Mechanism:
A new concept was designed to harmonize the profile mechanism for all PTV xServer. Hereby, a simple access was realized to achieve the entire set of engine parameters via the so called “UPM”. Following targets were in focus: The configuration procedure should be simple and transparent. Existing profile settings should be transferable from one specific xServer to another one. Just copy user-defined vehicle profiles from xRoute to xTour, xCluster or xDima as code snippets via client application. The XSD was choosen to define the XML structure embedding a standard XML parser. The inheritance of server profiles was developed to support the administration process during updates. Extensive documentation is also available about this feature opening the PTV xServer manual – section technical concepts. A migration tool is also included converting user-specific profiles from previous versions. Last but not least, the Feature Layer themes are supported by using the above mentioned PTV xServer.
Distance Matrix Calculation: Using a 64-bit operating system (Linux or Windows) and sufficient RAM (≥ 16 GB), the number of locations can be extended from initial 18,918 to 40,000 locations to create a nxn-matrix (around 9 GB of free RAM is hereby mandatory). More might be possible, but it is not tested and therefore use it on your own risk. Higher accuracy is realized for driving periods taking short routings into account (e.g. accuracy of 2 seconds for driving periods of around 4 hours). Please notice to recalculate your existing distance matrixes due to the modified data type.  dima
 ch High Performance Routing:
This is our fastest routing that allows a calculation within a split second for long distances. In order to benefit from this algorithm a pre-generated routing network (so called search graphs) has to be loaded using the RAM of your operating system. In the past, a permanent reloading was necessary using the High Performance Routing in a proper way. This is yet resolved, the network is hold in the memory in case of the same PTV Map and vehicle profile under the condition of sufficient RAM. This feature can be carried out for PTV xDima or xTour Server. This is scheduled for PTV xRoute Server as well but not yet realized.


Kind regards from Karlsruhe,

Dr. Michael Nutto


By Dr. Michael Nutto

Solution Director for PTV xServer. Responsible for the strategy of PTV xServer. I'd like to discuss market trends and requirements with our partners and end customers. Therefore, feel free to contact me about my published blogs.