First service release for PTV xServer available:

For PTV xMap, PTV xRoute and PTV xDima there is a first service release available. Update now and get the following improvements:

PTV xMap

  • PTV xMap ServerBugfix: FeatureLayer pixel coordinates refer to top-left not to buttom-left.
  • Bugfix: FeatureLayer consider the profile language.
  • Bugfix: Disabling/Enabling StaticLayer works as intended.

PTV xRoute

  • PTVxRouteServerBugfix: The manoeuver description considers the language for street and junction names.

 PTV xDima

  • PTV_xDima_Server_80x80Bugfix: Exporting matrices to binary files on linux creates files with the correct size.


The updated PTV xServer can be downloaded from the customer area of the PTV Developer Zone.

By Hannah Esswein

Technical Product Manager for PTV xServer