New release PTV Mapserver SDK

PTV_Mapserver_80x80The new release of the PTV Mapserver SDK 5.10.1 is now available for download: Download PTV Mapserver 5.10.1 in the Customer Area.


  • Routing Improvement: A new (derived) interface IStation4 is added, allowing the setting of the soft via radius for a way point.
  • SDK Add Ons: The C# code samples in the folder <Mapserver-InstallDir>\SDK\UseCases are available in the version C# 2010 only. The versions of C# 2003 are removed completely. Besides other modifications, .NET Framework 4.0 is used.


  • Routing Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, in combination with a call to IDrivingOptions.put_RespectRestrictions(0,false, false) the route calculation was aborted with error code = -9. This was caused when closely spaced way points are used. This bug is fixed.
  • SDK Bugfix: The TestDrive map, provided for testing reasons to the SDK, contains a correction of the data needed for geocoding. Due to a change in the geocoding access components, the old map became incompatible sind Mapserver The new data is adapted to this situation.

 Please notice:

  • Traffic Information Layer: In previous versions, common purpose databases and bitmaps used for rendering of traffic events, were located in the root folder of the map directories. Unfortunately, this was only performed in combination with a SDK setup, which was NOT performed by the common end user. Now, this data is installed with the InstKit setup, but to a new location in the file system: <CommonFiles>\GIS\Data\TrafficInformation. Due to the self-determination of this location, the Traffic Information Layer should be capable to handle this changing of the file system location.
  • Performance Parameters:The bugfix of Mapserver, containing more stable performance parameters is reverted to the original state (needed for comparable results from xRoute). To establish these stable parameters anyway, method IInternalOptions::SetNetworkClassLevellingScope() has to be called for the fourth and fifth network class. But to be sure, all eight values should be set in the following way (C#):
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(0, -1);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(1, -1);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(2, -1);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(3, 200);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(4, 60);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(5, 30);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(6, 10);
(route as IInternalOptions).SetNetworkClassLevellingScope(7, 10);

After IRouteLister::CreateNewRoute() would be a good time for calling this code. This enhancement should be applied independently of the actually used map.

Any further questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our PTV Support Team.

By Hannah Esswein

Technical Product Manager for PTV xServer