EU Driver Regulations – Multi Manning

PTV xTourServerIn this post we will explain you what is meant when we talk about the two-drivers-scenario, so called ‘multi-manning’, in the PTV xTour Server and what you have to do to use it.

  • What is multi-manning?

‘Multi-manning’ means that at least two drivers in the vehicle do the driving in each period of driving between any two consecutive daily rest periods, or between a daily rest period and a weekly rest period. For the first hour of multi-manning the presence of another driver or drivers is optional but for the remainder of the period it is compulsory.                                                                                                            Furthermore it is compulsory that within 30 Hours of the end of a Rest Period, a Daily Rest of at least 9 Hours must be taken. So in effect this rule means that two drivers in one vehicle can work up to 21 hours and then take a 9 hour Daily Rest.

  • For multi-manning you should:Lenk-und-Ruhezeiten
    • double the driving periods of the RegulationParameters as both drivers will take turns:
      breakRule_drivingPeriod, dailyRestRule_regularDrivingPeriod, dailyRestRule_extendedDrivingPeriod, weeklyRestRule_weeklyDrivingPeriod, weeklyRestRule_biWeeklyDrivingPeriod
    • change two more values of the RegulationParameters:
      dailyRestRule.regularRestPeriod = 32400 (9h) instead of 39600 (11h), dailyRestRule.maximumPeriodBetweenEndOfDailyRests = 108000 (30h) instead of 86400 (24h)
    • disable the break rule as the co-driver will take a break while the other is driving

Forum_80x80If you have any questions about multi manning or anything else according to the PTV xServer, I can recommend you our Forum where you can either find the answer or you can post your questions and we will try to answer them.