How to use Feature Layer TruckTrafficPatterns

The new Feature Layer TruckTrafficPatterns was released recently with the new PTV Europe City Map Premium 2016.1H. Everything you have to know to get started is explained here:

What is it?TruckTrafficPatterns

The Truck Traffic Patterns are derived from (car) Traffic Patterns, influenced by many other data like height data, truck speed limits or passing restrictions. Route calculation for trucks considering typical traffic situation at a certain week day and a certain time of day can be done with this Feature Layer. To visualize this traffic situation the according route segments are colored. But because of the reason that the focus of truck routes is on major roads the coloring of segments is not realized for lower street levels. Moreover it is important to use either the TruckTrafficPatterns or the (car)TrafficPatterns at the same time!

Furthermore you have to know that TruckTrafficPatterns and TruckSpeedPatterns are the same Feature Layer and that they are used synonymously. TruckSpeedPatterns is used for the theme name and all including files. In every other case the name TruckTrafficPatterns is used.

What do I need to use it?

  • It is important to know that you have to adapt the vehicle profiles truckfast.xml, truckslow.xml, default.xml and trafficinfoloader.xml to use this Feature Layer. In the Dynamic Routing section you have to deactivate/delete the SpeedMapping because this would falsify the routing times. Furthermore there is a new Feature Layer Theme available, called PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns
  • License: Each Feature Layer theme must be licensed separately and for each PTV xServer

Where can I get it?

featurelayerThe Feature Layer can be downloaded from the customer area of the PTV Developer Zone (login required). Soon, there will be the documentation How to use Feature Layer TruckTrafficPatterns in the online manual of the PTV xServer. If you need further information or support please contact the Support Team.