Category: PTV xServer
How to combine Navigation with PTV xRoute Server
Dear all,
PTV provides a new BCR converter which is ready for download.
How to use the BCR converter?
“The BCR converter is an easy to use Java class library to convert a route calculated by PTV xRoute Server into a string in BCR format. This file is integratable for guided navigation in your BCR capable mobile device.…
German user meeting in April: Developer Conference
Nicht verpassen: Developer Conference auf der Fit For Profit
Sie setzen bereits die Developer Components ein oder planen Sie einzusetzen?
Dann sind Sie auf der Developer Conference genau richtig – DEM Anwendertreffen von Entwicklern für Entwickler am 24.… -
Toll data update and scenario
For xServer and Mapserver the latest toll data updates and scenarios are currently available within the customer area on Developer Zone:
- Germany: new toll table 12.3 (BAB) and new toll table 1.2 (Bundesstraßen)
- Denmark: new tariff valid from 01.01.2013 (Øresund, Storebælt), prognostic scenario for truck toll 12t valid from 2015 incl.
New PTV Mapserver Update available
is now available for download.
- Kernel bugfix: When a MapControl is created and no map directory (*.geo) is configured by default, all available layers were created however. Because no plausible pathes exist for their corresponding geografical data, all local drives were searched for, especially routing and geocoding data.
Mapmatching is going to be a great help
Dear all,
Discover our new PTV Mapmatch Server 64-bit for Linux and Windows which we have recently updated to version
Following servers are provided via DevZone (select customer area but notice that your login is required):
- PTV Mapmatch Server Linux-x86-gcc4
- PTV Mapmatch Server1.16.0.0 Linux-x64-gcc4
- PTV Mapmatch Server Windows-x86-vc10
- PTV Mapmatch Server Windows-x64-vc10
Discover the new features:
- TrackPosition and MatchedLocation have a new attribute: coordinate.
Use traffic incidents for PTV xServer
Dear all,
product management proudly presents the newest version of “Traffic Info Loader” (3.0).
Following traffic information are provided by PTV (license is required, please contact your sales partner):
Possible values using Navteq maps - NAVTEQ-AT for Austria
- NAVTEQ-DE for Germany
- NAVTEQ-DK for Denmark
- NAVTEQ-SE for Sweden
- NAVTEQ-NO for Norway
- NAVTEQ-FI for Finland
- NAVTEQ-CH for Switzerland
- NAVTEQ-FR for France
- NAVTEQ-BE for Belgium
- NAVTEQ-NL for Netherlands
- NAVTEQ-IT for Italy
- NAVTEQ-LU for Luxembourg
- NAVTEQ-GB for Great Britain
- NAVTEQ-PL for Poland
Possible values using TomTom maps: - TOMTOM-AT for Austria
- TOMTOM-BE for Belgium
- TOMTOM-CH for Switzerland
- TOMTOM-CZ for Czech Republic
- TOMTOM-DE for Germany
- TOMTOM-DK for Denmark
- TOMTOM-ES for Spain
- TOMTOM-FI for Finland
- TOMTOM-FR for France
- TOMTOM-GB for Great Britain
- TOMTOM-IE for Ireland
- TOMTOM-IT for Italy
- TOMTOM-LU for Luxembourg
- TOMTOM-NL for Netherlands
- TOMTOM-NO for Norway
- TOMTOM-PL for Poland
- TOMTOM-PT for Portugal
- TOMTOM-SE for Sweden
What kind of improvements can you expect?…