Category: Technical Notes
Blog Series Emissions #1 Carbon Reduction
The demand for green logistics and emission reporting for transports is constantly growing among the transportation chain. In the first part of our emission blog series, we outline the need and benefits as well as the important factors of carbon reduction.…
Blog Series about Emissions starting on Wednesday
The symbiosis of PTV xTerritory and PTV xTour Server
Assuming you have a compact trading area and you like to plan day trips for your vehicles you can benefit of the symbiosis of PTV xTerritory and PTV xTour Server. Use PTV xTerritory Server to plan territories based on customer addresses and optimize the trips with PTV xTour Server.…
News on enlargement of federal road toll in Germany
Please note that the final and exact information of the extended federal highway toll is also not available to PTV Group before its introduction on 1 July 2015. For this reason and the downstream steps that are required for the preparation of the data in all the maps used in PTV Logistic products, the new and exact toll scenario is expected to be available early August.…
Update your data with the PTV Content Update Service
Use the correct configuration for feature layers using PTV xServer 1.20
Make sure you use the correct propertyConnector file for PTV xServer 1.20. In case you want to use the Feature Layer Preferred Routes with our brandnew PTV xServer 1.20, you have to update your propertyConnector file to the latest version 3: propertyConnectorV003.xml…