PTV xServer Blog
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Toll Update (2020_06) Germany
Germany This scenario contains the toll factors valid from April 2020. New tariffs for National Truck Toll. This scenario replaces the previous ” Germany August 2019″ scenario. PTV…
Detailed Toll for Spain, Czech Republic, Poland and Portugal available
We activated the detailed toll layers for Spain, Czech Republic, Poland and Portugal referenced to PTV Europe / World Map Premium 2020.2H today, on May 27, 2020 on our Layer…
PTV xServer 2.18 released
The new PTV xServer API Version 2.18.1 is available for download. For the full list of features and improvements you can check the corresponding release notes here. Here are some…
Detailed Toll for Switzerland, Great Britain, Italia, Norway and Sweden available
New PTV Mapserver
The new release of PTV Mapserver is now available for download in the Customer Area. Traffic information notification: Please be aware that, from May 05, 2020, we will no longer…
Real-time transit times at borders – now for PTV xServer on-premise
We now offer you the possibility to use real-time data of the start-up Sixfold GmbH on your own PTV xServer on premise. This gives you an overview of all relevant…
Toll update (2020_04) Special toll
GreeceNew toll rates valid from 1st January, 2020. This scenario replaces the previous scenario ‘Austria January 2020’. NetherlandsNew tariff and vehicle definition for: Westerschelde tunnel. This scenario replaces the previous…
Real-time information on transit times at border crossings
To contain the corona virus, many states have reintroduced border controls or closed borders completely. This resulted in long queues and long transit times at the borders during the week…
PTV xServer API Version 1.30 is now available!