World City Map released for PTV xServer Internet!
The PTV World City Map 2015T is now available for PTV xServer Internet and it includes this several features: Geocoding: Multi Field Search with Country Code is recommended. Mapping: Rendering…
How to use Feature Layer TruckTrafficPatterns
The new Feature Layer TruckTrafficPatterns was released recently with the new PTV Europe City Map Premium 2016.1H. Everything you have to know to get started is explained here: What is it?…
New service release for PTV xServer available
We provide a new service release for all PTV xServer. The new release contains several improvements and bugfixes that are listed in the Release Notes. The following PTV xServer versions…
Changes on PTV xServer Internet Developer Guide
We have made some improvements on our PTV xServer Internet Developer Guide. Besides some basic links or the links to our documentation and Client APIs, Customers of PTV xServer Internet…
Second october toll update
There is now a second toll update for october available which includes another bugfix concerning Germany. This additonal bugfix contains several small fixes mainly concerning the length of toll sections.…
EU Driver Regulations – Multi Manning
In this post we will explain you what is meant when we talk about the two-drivers-scenario, so called ‘multi-manning’, in the PTV xTour Server and what you have to do to…
Bugfixes in Toll Update
The new toll update includes two bugfixes concerning the toll update of September 2015. Germany: Toll valid now for trucks above 7.5 t instead of 12.0 t. Bugfix for Jena/Bremen…
What is the meaning of the different toll types?
Some customers often want to know what the difference between the toll types is. So we decided to inform you about the different variations of toll. The computation of toll…
New Feature Layer will be available!
With the new PTV Europe City Map Premium 2016.1H we are planning to release the new Feature Layer Truck Traffic Patterns! The Truck Traffic Patterns are derived from (car) Traffic…