Feature bowl PTV xServer – Part 1
Dear all, PTV would like to present the current features of the recently released PTV xServer 1.17. Please, take a couple of minutes in order to get a short overview.…
Free webinar on “PTV xServer 1.17 Highlights” on 11 September
Get into detail of following topics and join our 60 minutes webinar: • New framework • New design „Code Sample Browser“ • New PTV xRoute Server features (UPM, Feature Layer,…
PTV xServer 1.17: A new licence file is recommended
Dear all, I would like to inform you that a new licence file is recommended with our upcoming PTV xServer release 1.17 (expected for next week) in order to use…
We welcome our new Australian partner!
IFS SmartFreight® is the market leading, multi-carrier, Transport Management System with thousands of clients worldwide currently ship over 18 million consignments equating to some 45 million items of freight per…
PTV Navigator for Android™ with eMobility Features
New special eMobility functions have been developed as part of the iZEUS (www.izeus.de) research project and are currently being thoroughly tested and further developed in a fleet test. The eMobility…
PTV xServer 1.17 – soon the time will come ….
Next week we will release information concerning the features to come with the PTV xServer 1.17 version, that is expected for mid September – latest 🙂 As of the…
New release PTV Mapserver
PTV Mapserver is now available for download. New features and major topics: Routing The percentage amount of Ecotaxe, which can be passed to customers is calculated and…
PTV xServer integrated into a TMS
AndSoft developed the first web-based transport management system (TMS) in 2000, and today it is the leading TMS in the cloud. Since the start of 2013, AndSoft has been using…
Today: First free webinar for Asia Pacific region
The moment has finally arrived! Today the first webinar for our contacts in the Asia Pacific region will take place. Further information concerning webinar topics and contact can be found…