Ways to integrate a touch-friendly PTV xServer map for the Windows 8 UI
The “Windows 8 Modern UI” (formerly known as “Metro”) defines a new programming model for apps which supports tablets and other touch devices. Accessing xServers from these apps is simple:…
Keep PTV xServer rolling
Dear users, please download the current PTV xServer (login is required). Following changes are integrated (affects version PTV xLocate: Fixed detailLevelDescription for long postalcodes PTV xRoute: Fixed toll calculation…
PTV Group on Multimodal 2013 in Birmingham
PTV Map&Guide internet – PTV xServer-based transport route planning in the cloud – live at Multimodal 2013 (see blogpost) Save the date: PTV is participating at Multimodal 2013 and would…
Online tutorials are important!
Dear all, PTV has recently provided a new version of PTV Cookbook which is our synonym for the PTV online tutorial for PTV xServer with exercises from the daily practice.…
Ready for web applications?
Dear all, PTV has released its combined PTV xServer add-on WebSDK version last week which is now online at our website “Product download“. Please notice that a login is…
How to combine Navigation with PTV xRoute Server
Dear all, PTV provides a new BCR converter which is ready for download. How to use the BCR converter? “The BCR converter is an easy to use Java class library…
German user meeting in April: Developer Conference
Nicht verpassen: Developer Conference auf der Fit For Profit Sie setzen bereits die Developer Components ein oder planen Sie einzusetzen? Dann sind Sie auf der Developer Conference genau richtig –…
Toll data update and scenario
For xServer and Mapserver the latest toll data updates and scenarios are currently available within the customer area on Developer Zone: Germany: new toll table 12.3 (BAB) and new toll…
Will we meet in Long Beach?
PTV Group strengthens its presence in North America: Greg Muir is our responsible new man in the US. Meet him and our heads of sales and development at Logistics CIO…