Tag: API Version 2
PTV xServer 2.31 released
The new PTV xServer API version 2.31 is available! Besides several improvements and bugfixes we provide these main features:
- Prepared for the low emission zones in different European countries (experimental, data from PTV World City Map 2024.2H on)
- Support of avoiding seasonal closures like mountain passes
- Support of stacking items of a stop above items of the next stop
- Support of prohibiting all low emission zones of a country
- Support of avoiding seasonal closures like mountain passes
- The ‘co2EmissionClassEU’ in the vehicle profile is no longer experimental (required for the new CO2 based toll in various European countries).
Do you want to predict the new German toll prices in your PTV xServer 2 on-premise environment?
If you are running an PTV xServer API Version 2 in your own on-premise environment and you want to calculate German toll prices for a reference date after 30.11.2023 in combination with the map PTV Europe City Map Premium 2023.2H or PTV World City Map Premium 2023.2H then read this article thoroughly in order to determine if you need to update your PTV xServer API Version 2 environment.…
PTV xServer 2.30 released
The new PTV xServer API version 2.30 is available! Besides several improvements and bugfixes we provide these main features:
- Prepared for the upcoming German toll tariffs planned for December 2023 (experimental, toll data not yet available)
- Support of importing big distance matrices in several increments
- More flexibility to use Feature Layer for the calculation of travel time profiles (experimental)
- Prepared for the low emission zones in different European countries (experimental, data from PTV World City Map 2024.1H on)
- Prepared for the upcoming German toll tariffs planned for December 2023 (experimental, toll data not yet available)
- Prepared for the low emission zones in different European countries (experimental, data from PTV World City Map 2024.1H on)
- Prepared for the restriction kingpin to rear axle in the US (experimental, data from PTV World City Map 2024.1H on)
- Support of the calculated toll distance as an alternative to the not always available official toll distance
If you are interested in the full list of features and improvements, you can check the corresponding release notes here.…
PTV xServer 2.29 released
The new PTV xServer API version 2.29 is available! Besides several improvements and bugfixes we provide these new features:
- xData
Return of time-zone information for each segment - xDima
Return of time-dependent travel times in distance matrices with time-consideration scenario ‘MultipleTravelTimesConsideration’ - xTour
Support of the compartment access restriction to consider two compartments in a vehicle whereby one can only be accessed through the other.
- xData
PTV xServer 2.28.1 released
The new PTV xServer API version 2.28.1 is available! The reasons are two bugfixes in xRoute. The second one only applies to the new Feature Layer PTV_RestrictionZones for Austria:
- xRoute
Bugfix: Fixed bug when considering custom Feature Layer covering several countries in special cases.
- xRoute
PTV xServer internet – SSL certificate update 2023
We would like to inform you that we plan to change our SSL certificates in the upcoming week beginning on March 14th, 2023 until March 19th, 2023.
This change is needed because the current certificate new certificate (*.cloud.ptvgroup.com) runs out on March 22nd, 2023.…